Monday, September 29, 2008

Backing Up... The Trip From the Beginning

I recently had the opportunity to travel to Mexico to fish for Largemouth Bass at Lake Mateos and Lake El Salsto. For me it was one of those experiences I will not soon forget and strive to have again. In summary, BASS are RAD! Additionally, I was in the presence of some top-notch fly fisherman that shared their decades of knowledge with me. Thanks to all for a great week with some fly fishing studs... the bass that is.

Bill Carnazzo, Ken Hanley, Kevin Doran, Ryan Miller and Keith Kaneko (taking the picture)

Fishing is hard work, sometimes you just need to relax.

Mexican bass are supercharged, make sure you are ready

Keith Kaneko with a stout 6 pounder!

There are so many great things about bass fishing. I would call it hunting and fishing in the same bag. As casters, we constantly look for tight spots to toss bugs into. We constantly push the limits of the rods, lines and "weedless" bugs to get the "OH DAMN, NICE SHOT" from you buddy, and then "WAAAHOOOO, DID YOU SEE THAT EAT?" Not to mention the sets are about as far from a trout set as possible, there are not too many things better than wrenching on a bucketmouth!

I lose track of everything while casting to razor-backs...

Give me a dime-sized target and I will be occupied for hours...

8 pounds of glory

More to come, BASS ARE RAD...

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